Screen_Shot_2022-08-18_at_4.58.50_PM.pngPilates Aotearoa is a newly established council comprised of some experienced NZ pilates professionals on the interim set up committee.  The aim is to provide a central registration for Pilates teachers and instructors and create a high standard of education and prefessional development for the NZ Pilates Industry.  The main purpose of to ensure our public are safe and to build resilience and strength of teh Pilates Industry.  In the future we hope to look into NZQA accredited courses and vocational training for Pilates teachers.  For more information or to register as a member please visit


Screen_Shot_2023-06-25_at_9.03.52_PM.pngFranklin Method Pelvic Fascia Teacher Training

Morten Dithmer, FM master trainer, Southern Hemisphere, will join us in NZ for our inaugural Franklin Method Teacher Training course about the Pelvic Floor!  

This three day course is a must for anyone interested in learning more about training our Pelvic floor fascia, understanding imagery to help teach correct and effective Pelvic floor training and practitioners working with those having pelvic floor injury or issues. 

November 11-13th in Christchurch - Venue TBA

Approx $1600 for the three day training 

For more information email [email protected].

Newsletter Winter 2023

Click here to read our Winter 2023 newsletter. 




Rethink Retreat for Professional Women - Hanmer 5-8 November  2020

Rethink Retreat for women is a three-day personal and professional learning experience at a beautiful location in the South Island of New Zealand.  It is run by two women in business who celebrate other women in business.  Abbey Parsons of Movementor Pilates will be our Physical Wellness lead. 

  • This if for everyday women like you and me. Whether you work one day in a week or seven, whether you're a mum or not, whether you're an employee or employeer.

  • Any woman who is looking for professional development and wants to be inspired!

  • Women feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

  • Anyone looking to combine learning with rest and relaxation

  • Women who are passionate about supporting other professional women.

Go to for more info, to see the program and the speakers and to secure your spot today!!

Brink was postponed due to the Black Lives Matter movement and has been rescheduled for 2-4 October 2020.  Tickets are still available and a learning platform has been established to allow pre-conference access to some of the pre-recorded content.  Check back here for updates.


Brink – Virtual Wellness and Movement Convention

Like many of you, over the last few weeks, I’ve started to realize what’s really important. And it turns out that the space that’s come from being away from work in it’s “normal” fashion has shown me that I’m ready to

make some moves in my professional life.  Some of these moves involve showing up with my work in a bigger way to share the skills and gifts that I know will help others.  And over the weekend of June 5-7th, I’m about to do just that!

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be part of a virtual conference for movement and wellness professionals called Brink.  Brink is the creation of Entrepreneurial Health Coach, Jenna Zaffino, whom I met in Wellington last year.  Originally a live event, Jenna pivoted the venue to the online space and invited a stellar group of speakers and educators to join her in offering inspiration, resources and support for the brain, body and business.  I will be presenting a pre recorded Foam Roller Mat Flow class as part of the Brink Movement Syndicate.

The weekend is full of movement, speakers and Q&A sessions and there is even an opportunity to network with your peers through a unique “Speed Networking” feature on the platform.  The intention is to help professionals like me, who are on the “brink” of a breakthrough, get the support they need to move the needle forward in their work.  It is going to be an unforgettable event and I hope you’ll join me!

I’d love for you to check out the sessions or buy tickets by visiting this link

For more information about speakers you can visit

I hope you will join me for this innovative experience as we prepare to move the needle forward in our careers and businesses.  I look forward to being with you at Brink!


Testimonial from a young client's mum

Miss K developed a spine tumour which grew fast and paralysed her from mid thoracic down in just 48 hours.  After her surgery and public system treatments she had regained her sensation adn some powere in her legs but her mum knew there was still more they could be doing and so enlisted the help of Rebekah Millar at Balanceworks Physio.  Once she had assessed and stabilised Miss K she refered her to us for ongoing strengthening and movement re-education, as she had developed some unusual compensations and her spinal alignment had changed dramatically.  Her confidence in her movement ability was really low and fearful.

I first saw Miss K in January 2020, and in just 3 months she has made amazing progress.  She has continued her Pilates right through lockdown from home via Zoom and is starting to reap the benefits of that dedication. Her mum wrote me this....

"She’s doing amazing, somedays super tired after a session others not so bad, she’s definitely getting stronger in herself and more confidence that she can do more things which is great to see
She accidentally ran up the 3 back steps yesterday but was so excited, it’s great to see her doing things like lying on her tummy and doing her school work (yes we do tell her it’s probably not the best position) however she’s moving more like her old self without thinking about it’s really nice to see.
She’s also becoming more aware of her body and what’s good for her and what’s not, sometimes she moves and says oh my back doesn’t like this
She’s been sleeping better too and hasn’t had a sore back over last couple of weeks we not sure if part of it’s her new bed, I suspect it has a lot to do with her strength and more even muscle tone whatever it is it’s great news 
Thankyou for your help and kind gentle support you have been just the right person for her."

womens_refuge.JPG We were so very overwhelmend by your amazing generosity.  Together we raised $747 for Womens Refuge and we had fun doing it!  The intial count up allowed us to buy 35 safe nights for Women and thier children in need and the extra money that came in the following days was a direct monetry donation to the charity.


Thank you for your big and open hearts xxx




We are super excited to be holding our tenth birthday celebrations on Saturday 2nd May and this coincides with International Pilates Day!!

We have an amazing line up of classes all FREE for you to enjoy but if you'd like to make a donation to support Womens Refuge then you can do that instead!

Due to COVID 19 and us having to be presenting our classes online currently it is a great opportunity to offer this is as many as possible to thankyou all for being such wonderful clients and friends of Movementor Pilates.


We hope you have a great day!!









Reflect and Reaffirm....

I reStudio_comparison_August_2019.jpgcently compared two pictures that showed the humble studio set up I opened the Studio with in May 2010 to the much more comprehensive and fully equipped set up we boast today, some 11 years since I established Movementor Pilates, my first baby.  Next year Movementor Pilates will be 12!!

It got me to reflecting about the way we grow in our lives and work.  Sometimes there are great highs, sometimes the plateaus seem never-ending but as cliché as it sounds the journey is the gem. The incremental steps we take in our work, our play, our movements.   The consistent chipping away, persevering and upping the game, building solid foundations which hold the test of time or provide a base to launch from.

Its this ebb and flow that makes life interesting and can bring us inspiration and drive or allow time to rest and focus on ourselves or our families depending at where we are at within it.  I think, in this fast-paced world where we have access to so many things so fast, and can see what everyone else is up to, it can be easy to fill up on things that don’t really resonate with us or that don’t really fill our cup. In being so ‘busy’, we can miss simple opportunities to nourish ourselves, to be quiet or still, to spend time with good friends or to spend time with our children. 

When our lives are packed to the brim, we can feel easily overwhelmed when something unexpected demands our attention or we feel pulled in every direction but the one we really desire to be going.  We can see someone else achieving greatness and feel that we are on the wrong path or they are ‘beating us’ rather than just being happy for them achieving something great and trusting our own process.

When did you last reflect on your life? What about it makes you feel joy?  What are you chipping away at/working towards/striving for?  When did you give yourself real time out??

Perhaps we can help you look inward?

Try Jane’s Shakti Class

Sign up for Franklin method Breathing Basics

Book a one on one


Amanda_Erlank.JPGFranklin Method with Amanda Erlank 

November 9th 2019

Amanda Erlank of Meridians and Movement in Australia will join us for three one hour Franklin Method Workshops to explore movement with dynamic neurocognitive imagery and bone rhythms to bring out freedom of movement, heightened awareness and a better, deeper understanding of how our bodies serve us. Amanda is a Level 2 Franklin Method Educator.

For more information or to register, email [email protected]. Registrations can be made through Mindbody Online by clicking the 'BOOK NOW' link above right corner.

Jo_Bezzina.JPGJoanne Bezzina is coming to Christchurch

November 23-25 2019

We are super excited to be hosting Joanne Bezzina of Sydney Centred Pilates, Pilates Anytime and Polestar Pilates Australia in Christchurch.   

Jo is going to present two studio workshops and a mat masterclass as well as offer privates.

For more info or to register your interest please email [email protected].  Registrations will be run through Polestar Pilates NZ and we will likely have REPS CPD and Polestar CPD available for these classes.